Thursday 3 January 2013

Musings from Mackerel

Headed to Mackerel Beach for a friends birthday. During the long drive there (it's at the north point of the northern beaches) we travelled down Barrenjoey Road. Poor joey. Every day I find another name I like more!

Having started overcast, by the time we reached Palm Beach the weather had started to clear. Unfortunately, we also discovered we had missed the hourly ferry, probably as a result of having to stop at four different chicken shops before we were successful. However, just in case anyone accused us of not making enough effort, we ran the last bit of the way. Wearing only flipflops, I lost both within the space of half a minute.

So we had no choice but to sit on the jetty and have a cider, while admiring a large dog that closely resembled a cow.

The ferry was well worth the wait though - with Mackerel as the last stop, we got a tour of the whole bay, set on the edge of a National Park so mostly only accessible by boat.

We hopped off at Mackerel and spent a great few hours barbequeing and more importantly eating. As we consumed sausages, steak, salads and three different kinds of chicken, the dog happily regurgitated ham all over the front steps.

Mackerel was beautiful with houses right onto the beach and others climbing the rocky cliffs of the bay. Luckily for us lazy people, the house we were in was literally at the end of the jetty. No climbing steps for us! However one of the other houses had overcome this in rather an unusual way - by having its own fernicular railway, or 'inclinator' as I was informed it was known as, alongside other, erm, embellishments...

A walk was suggested as an attempt to balance out the enormous lunch. However, the decidedly English weather posed a problem. Some opted to solve this in more creative ways than others.

We observed such highlights as wallabies grazing on a front lawn:

A tree struck by lightning?


Were tempted to climb these

And ran into a friendly neighbourhood Komodo dragon...

Ok so it was only a model, but it scared that crap out of me!
Then it was back to the beach to catch the ferry home - it was really a shame to leave. A fantastic day, not even ruined when we found a tick on David on return to the city... Serves him right for giving me a lowdown on the drive home of all the things in Australia that can kill you!

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