Friday 8 March 2013

A working woman

So, back to work I went. The work wardrobe hasnt exactly changed - still a scary mix of weekend
wear and old school uniform helped along by asos. The elation at being back in an office, hearing the printers whir, phones ring, colleagues type!

Cut to two days in. Trying to look busy as I have already finished all the work allotted for today and its just getting round to lunch time. There are only so many times in the day you can request more work without looking like you are taking the piss. So I am making my own work - otherwise known as playing with the stamps on my desk  - God knows how I didnt realise that they print what is written on their lids - yes, I was wondering why that one read 'do not bend' when you would be hard pushed to manipulate such a solid object. My boredom would be rather evident to anyone wandering
past - as not only is the page now covered in 'do not bend' and 'air mail' stamps, but they have all had the d's, o's etc filled in with permanent marker.

But generally all is good - have my diet coke stash under the desk, cashew nuts in the draw and glossy mags surrepticiously hidden to be whipped out at lunch. However, I am still flinching everytime the phone rings and looking round to make sure someone else will answer it. Slightly
apprehensive of leaving at the end of the day as there is a huge cockroach guarding the hall, its hairy legs bristling with hostility.

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